At my son’s request, we’ve been growing more indoor plants. As I look at the ones in the windowsill, I can see some fuzzy mold (from overwatering.) In another plant I see some leaves with curled, dry edges (a drought response.) I can start to feel despair about the conditions not being exactly right—too much water or too little water? Do we need fertilizer? Has the plant outgrown the pot?
In order to learn more, we got all the books we could from the library about house plants. They promised to solve our every problem. They identified possible causes and solutions.

The questions about the plants are like my questions about my children. I think we’d all like a manual that says, “Here’s the way to get your child to learn.” And, specific rules about helping children get unstuck from bad ruts. Here are some things I’ve learned so far.
Abundant Seeds
The most basic seed of learning is in the form of a question. What questions are your children already asking? When I pause to notice their current questions, I can see possible sprouts of learning.
One of the best ways I’ve found to introduce my child to new material is through questions. “How can we measure how quickly things change over time?” leads to a discussion about calculus. “How can this store make money?” leads to a discussion about economics. Presenting not just the facts but the questions behind them means my child will be engaged with learning in a more proactive way.
Moisture is the cue that begins germination of seeds. One possible metaphor here is that adding moisture to our homeschool means giving our time. Learning alongside our child is much more effective than having a child learning in a silo.
Adding heat could look like a structured time to accomplish the task. Heat could come in the form of daily appointed time or even deadlines. Conditions for learning are not be the same as conditions for comfort or entertainment. Sometimes a little bit of pressure can give the necessary push to begin growth.
I hope that your summer learning has unexpected sprouts. And, that you feel capable of improving the conditions that lead to deeper learning!