Have a Happy Family by Friday

When parenting feels hard, parents can become desperate for a solution. The urgent need for improvement leads us to search for quick-fix solutions. That must’ve been what Dr. Kevin Leman had in mind when he wrote his 2015 book, “Have a Happy Family by Friday.” The title implies that the changes will be quickly implemented with immediate results. But, of course we now that our families can’t be changed in just a few days.
4 minutes to read

Mrs Zajac

Rules can be scary. Rule enforcers can be scary. Breaking rules can have big consequences. Compassion can motivate you to overcome obstacles. These mindsets are eloquently described by Tracy Kidder in his book, “Among Schoolchildren.” Mrs. Zajac seemed to have a frightening amount of energy. She strode across the room, her arms swinging high and her hands in small fists. Taking her stand in front of the green chalkboard, discussing the rules with her new class, she repeated sentences, and her lips held the shapes of certain words, such as “homework,” after she had said them.
2 minutes to read

First Learn Then Create

When I follow-up my learning with an application of the learning, I am more likely to remember what I learned. I’ve found this works well for my children, too. After field trips, I like to pause and reinforce the learning. I especially like to do it creatively. When I found this book at the library, my kids and I were excited to use it to reinforce some of what we’ve learned at National Parks.
One minute to read

Can I Teach My 5-Year-Old Child at Home?

When I began homeschooling, I thought I would only teach my oldest child at home for one year for kindergarten. I didn’t think homeschooling would be a good fit for us. But, after that first year, I found I loved homeschooling. So, we continued. The more we keep going, the better it gets! One of the reasons I hear parents frequently say they don’t want to homeschool is, “I’m afraid I will mess my child up.
4 minutes to read

The School of Hard Talks

While browsing the “New Releases” shelf at my library, I came across a parenting book that was published just six months ago. The title caught my eye since I am in the midst of parenting teens and young adults. The School of Hard Talks: How to Have Real Conversations with Your (Almost Grown) Kids by Emily Kline The book promises to improve our relationships with our children by helping us connect and communicate better.
6 minutes to read

A Stroll Down Lexicon Lane

“Torrid and frigid are antonyms,” I repeat for the third time to my 10-year-old daughter as she takes her vocabulary quiz. “Why can’t she remember their definitions?” I pause in frustration. When we visited Planet Word Museum in Washington, DC, we encountered an exhibit that engaged my daughter in learning all kinds of synonyms and antonyms. This time, she remembered the words: because she used them as paint. Innocuous though it appeared, this little three-sided room was full of learning.
2 minutes to read

The Pressure of a New Skill

I have been homeschooling for a long time. I know what to expect from my children and from myself. I know how to set up our schedule to succeed. New homeschoolers, especially those who are beginning to homeschool after public schooling for some time, often say, “What if I mess everything up?” Truthfully, I haven’t had much sympathy for this fear. This is probably because I eased myself into homeschooling, starting with one child and adding the others as they aged in.
2 minutes to read

A One-Page Explanation

In my college technical writing class, we were given the challenge to succinctly explain complex tasks without any images. That forever changed my experience reading instructions. I know it is important to keep things short, but it is equally important to be clear. We got this “how-to” book from the library and it made us laugh! Such a collection of skills–from “how to carry a bunny” to “restore a forgotten fruit tree.
2 minutes to read

Lengthen or Shorten Here

“Use the sleeves from this pattern, the bodice from this pattern and the skirt from another.” Recently, while sewing, I was reminded of how much I love to customize. I like mixing and matching, combining and configuring. I like having a product unique to me. This is how I feel about homeschooling, too! I love to homeschool because I can create an education tailored for each child. We go the speed they need, focusing on the topics they are ready for and spend the time to understand to great depth.
One minute to read

Keeper of the Bees

Read this with your kids: The Keeper of the Bees by Gene Stratton Porter I have been in charge of many homeschool book clubs. Finding a book for a homeschool book group can be challenging for at least three reasons: Most homeschool book clubs have a wide range of ages. Many homeschoolers believe their 12-year-old children are old enough to handle “high school level” material. Many homeschoolers are protective of their children and don’t want them reading smutty stuff.
4 minutes to read